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Wonky Ditty Bag - Digital Download

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Product Description

This is a Digital Download Only product

This design was the Log Cabin BONUS and we included some ideas that you could use the block for.  

Wonky Ditty Bag Instructions included.

Additional Options for this Bonus Block:

  • Mug Rug: Simply make a block, finish with binding and have a snack!
  • Placemat: Make the required number of blocks for the size placement you want, join
    them together and bind.
  • Hot Pad: Same as the Mug Rug but be sure to use a heat resistant batting in place of
  • Enlarge a quilt: To make a quilt larger and have blocks stitch faster, a border of Quilty
    Log Cabin blocks is a great solution.
  • Purse or tote: Make two or more blocks and make into a purse or tote.
  • Zippered bag or pouch: See our instructions to make a Wonky Ditty Bag using just one
    Quilty Log Cabin or any HoopSisters block plus a zipper. Great for organizing supplies
    or travel bag. Awesome gift (even for yourself). To make the Wonky Ditty Bag you will
    need a zipper approx. 2” longer than the width of your block.


Multiple File Sizes Included:
4.9” x 4.9”
5.75” x 5.75”
6.9” x 6.9”
7.75” x 7.75”
8.75” x 8.75”
9.9” x 9.9”