Welcome to HoopSisters, Where the Quilting is Always Included!

Best Shot Photo Contest

Best Shot Photo Contest

HoopSisters on 10th Mar 2017


Best-Shot Photo Contest

It’s time to be creative, fun and best of all… show off you and your beautiful HoopSisters quilt(s)!

Contest Categories:

There are 2 categories you can enter in:

1). Class Category: Photo taken with other students and your HoopSisters quilts at your local quilt shop.

2). Individual Category: Just you and your quilt.

Photo Submissions:

  • Email your photos to aubrey@hoopsisters.com
  • To be considered it must be an attachment as a .jpg file
  • Include which category you are entering, your name, city, state, and local quilt shop (even if you’re submitting in the individual category we want to know who your local quilt shop is).
  • Sign and return the waiver (we can email this to you once you submit your photo via email) as we will be using photos submitted on/in our marketing emails, website, social media and more. You can attach it with your photo or fax it to (567) 712-2916 or mail to: HoopSisters 2855 W. Elm St. Lima, OH 45805 Attention: Aubrey Ellerbrock


  • Photos need to be submitted by Monday May 1st, 2017 to be considered.


  • If bragging rights aren’t quite enough we will also be giving the individual winner a 15 yard roll of Battilizer!
  • Class Category winners will be anyone pictured who also has their quilt in the photo. Each person will get a free HoopSisters design of his or her choice of a $40 value! AND, the shop will get a special prize too!

Misc Info:

  • Quilts can be a work in progress. They do not need to be complete as long as your photo is fun and creative and your quilt is a HoopSisters design!
  • You must sign the waiver attached to be considered.
  • You may enter one or both categories in this contest. You may also win both categories.

Choosing a Winner:

Annie Moody and Lynda Remmers, the HoopSisters Co-Founders, will be picking their 3 favorite photos in both categories. Then, we will leave it up to a vote on our website! The photo that gets the most votes in each category will be the winner! Voting will begin Friday May 5th, 2017 and last until Saturday May 20th, 2017.

We are looking for fun and originality in your photo! You won’t win this contest with just a picture of your quilt no matter how gorgeous it is. So, add a pet, a prop, a caption. Whatever it takes but be creative!!